Are you suffering from dental anxiety and have concerns regarding discomfort during an oral health care procedure? Although many individuals are worried about any discomfort they will feel during treatments, sedation dentistry is a field of dentistry designed to help alleviate those concerns. Through the use of sedatives, you can be calmed and relaxed or even put to sleep for all manner of oral health care treatments. However, they do range in type and vary in effectiveness. Here are some common types of sedation dentistry procedures:

Inhaled Minimal Sedation, also known as Gas Sedation: Inhaled minimal sedation is often applied through the use of laughing gas, which is a combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide. When you breathe in the gas compound, it can help calm and relax you. However, it does wear off rather quickly.

Oral Sedation, also known as Pill Sedation: Oral sedation is given by ingesting a pill that can make you drowsy or even put you into a sleep state if the dose is large enough. However, oral sedation must often be applied up to an hour before any treatments, as it takes a while to take effect.

Intravenous Sedation, also known as IV Moderate Sedation: If you are looking for sedation that is fast-acting, an intravenous sedative goes to work almost instantaneously. When the drugs are applied directly into a vein, the effects can be felt quickly. Doses can be adjusted.

Deep Sedation through the use of General Anesthesia: General anesthesia is often used for lengthy procedures in which an individual needs to be placed into a deep sleep or period of unconsciousness. When general anesthesia is used, individuals will remain unconscious until reverse medication is used, or the sedative wears off.

Are you in need of sedation dentistry in advance of any oral health care treatments you need? When you are ready to schedule an oral health care exam with Pony Express Dental, give us a call. Our entire team look forward to providing you with the comfort and care you need. Draper 801-495-4440, Eagle Mountain 801-876-7669 or South Jordan 801-683-5148.