Invisalign in Daybreak & South Jordan Utah

Invisalign in Daybreak & South Jordan

In previous generations, those with crooked or misaligned teeth had very few options available to them. For most, the only real choice was to get braces. While braces remain a valuable

and beneficial solution, there are some newer alternatives that are worth considering. One of the most popular is Invisalign, which we proudly offer here at Pony Express Dental in Daybreak and South Jordan, Utah.

We invite you to learn more about Invisalign in Daybreak and South Jordan and to discover whether this might be the right orthodontic treatment for you.

What Is Invisalign?

Some may not be familiar with this treatment. Here’s a quick overview:

Invisalign is an aligner that’s custom-fit to your mouth. You’ll change it out every few weeks for a new version to keep up with changes in the alignment of your teeth. Invisalign is very similar to a standard retainer and is meant to keep teeth from shifting out of place. It’s most often used to subtly move teeth to straighten and provide a more beautiful, sparkling smile. 

One of the most popular things about Invisalign is that it’s completely transparent, which means it’s not very noticeable when you’re wearing it. This is one of the big advantages that Invisalign offers over traditional braces.

Braces vs. Invisalign

That brings up a common question: Is Invisalign a better option than braces? The answer simply depends on your needs. The only way to find out which option is best for you is to consult with one of our Pony Express Dental and Orthodontics providers. We can walk you through the Invisalign process and help you pick the right treatment option.

Here are some of the most common distinctions between the two treatments.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Again, the only way to tell for sure whether Invisalign is right for you is to meet with an orthodontist for a full, one-on-one consultation.

With that said, there are a few common dental issues that can often be addressed by Invisalign. Those include:

If you have any of these dental health concerns, it’s worth learning more about Invisalign. If you have a more serious issue with your teeth or an issue with your jaw, you may need an alternate intervention. Either way, our providers in Daybreak and South Jordan can accommodate, and we invite you to make an appointment with us today.

Learn More About Invisalign in Daybreak and South Jordan

Pony Express Dental and Orthodontics is a full-service oral health practice. We help kids and adults alike with preventative treatment, basic and advanced dental procedures, orthodontics, Invisalign, and more.

We would love to meet with you to discuss your eligibility for Invisalign tooth straightening. Contact our local office to set up an appointment.

Our office is located at 5396 W. Daybreak Parkway South Jordan, UT 84009, and you can reach us directly at 801-683-5148. Call today to schedule your appointment with one of our providers.